Last updated on March 4th, 2021
For the state of Illinois, it is required that the emissions test is carried out every two years. The cars that must be tested are the cars build four years ago or older than that. The two-year inspection must be done before the registration renewal is due. Due to this two year rule, even model years are tested on the even year and odd model years take emissions test on odd years. You also need to check the other state of Illinois regulations and requirements for emissions testing.
The state will send you a notice stating that your car is due for the emissions test. You will need to bring this notice with you for the testing. In order for the car to be eligible for registration renewal, it must successfully pass the Illinois emissions testing. If your car is due for the test, you’ll need to first find the nearest Illinois emissions testing station. To find a location near you, click here.
Illinois emissions testing stations hours
Once you’ve selected your location, you’ll then need to check emissions testing stations hours and availability. Illinois emissions testing stations hours can vary depending upon the location of the service center at which you are going to do your emissions test. For example, emissions testing hours in Naperville are 8:00 AM–6:00 PM, while for some stations for emissions testing hours in Skokie are 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. On Saturdays, most vehicle emissions testing stations work from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Make sure you get the right information by contacting the emissions test location prior to visiting. You can find the nearest station by visiting the locations page for your county. Make sure that your chosen date is not Sunday or a Federal Holiday since most Illinois emissions testing stations are closed on these dates. You can check the dates of Federal Holidays in the table below.
Federal Holidays are:
Holiday | 2017 | 2018 |
New Year’s Day | Monday, January 2 | Monday, January 1 |
Martin Luther King Day | Monday, January 16 | Monday, January 15 |
Lincoln’s Birthday | Monday, February 13 | Monday, February 12 |
Washington’s Birthday (President’s Day) |
Monday, February 20 | Monday, February 19 |
Memorial Day | Monday, May 29 | Monday, May 28 |
Independence Day | Tuesday, July 4 | Wednesday, July 4 |
Labor Day | Monday, September 4 | Monday, September 3 |
Columbus Day | Monday, October 9 | Monday, October 8 |
General Election Day | Tuesday, November 6 | |
Veterans’ Day | Friday, November 10 | Monday, November 12 |
Thanksgiving | Thursday and Friday November 23 and 24 |
Thursday and Friday November 22 and 23 |
Christmas | Monday, December 25 | Tuesday, December 25 |
*Please note that the holidays can change since the state is continuously negotiating with various unions.
If you are going to have your car tested by the Air Team appointment only testing station, you can call to set up an appointment. The number to speak with a representative is (844) 258-9071. You can also call to find out how long the current waiting times are for the emissions testing centers.
Illinois emissions testing stations schedule
It is best if you book an emissions testing appointment in advance, but if you cannot do that, it’s good to know the schedule and the time it takes to take the emissions test. If you can, avoid going for a test at the beginning and the end of the month, or on Saturdays. These are the busiest times for most emissions testing locations in Illinois. It should be easy to schedule a timely visit to emissions testing center of your choice since you’ll have four months to take your vehicle in for the test prior to the registration expiry. The wait times can also vary depending on the location. Wait time for emissions testing in Swansea area is usually around one, while for some locations, like Markham emissions testing center, the wait time can be nine. Check all the available information at your disposal, so that you don’t have to waste time waiting in line at the emissions testing location.
Shorten the wait time for others
You can help shorten the emissions test wait times for other motorists if you come prepared for the testing. This, of course, means preparing your car so that the test can be done quickly. You need to make sure that the car engine is warmed up properly, that the car is safe to operate and that there is nothing obstructing the access to the DLC unit of your car. You can also read some tips that may help you pass the emissions testing safely.
Why is the phone not working at the Elk Grove Testing place? I have lost my card and want to know if I can still go there and have my test done.
Hi Marsha, you can check out the list of locations here for an updated list of Elkgrove locations.