Washington DC – General Emissions Information

Last updated on November 9th, 2017

There are many commonly asked questions concerning Washington DC emissions laws and testing policies.   Here we will cover these frequently asked questions and their answers in order to help you find the information you are looking for concerning Washington DC emissions.

How do I go about having my vehicle inspected for the first time?

In Washington DC it is required for residents to have their vehicles tested for emissions prior to being able to have their vehicle registered.  Brand new vehicles that have a MCO and are non-commercial use are waived from needing an emissions test initially.

How much does it cost to get the vehicle emissions testing inspection done?

The emissions testing inspection fee is $35 and the test results are valid for two years.

Is there a late fee assessed if I get testing done after my due date?

Yes, there is a $20 fee assessed for every 30 days you are late.  This fee will be capped at $480.

Am I able to make an appointment ahead of time to get my vehicle’s emissions tested?

You are able to use an online scheduling service which is available 24 hours per day.  You can access that scheduling service here if you want to set up your appointment for your emissions test.

When and how do I pay for the emissions testing fee?

The fees for your vehicle’s emissions testing are due at the time of registration and registration renewal of your vehicle.  It is possible that depending on your registration date you have already paid the fee for the inspection or you may need to pay it when your next renewal arrives.  The inspection fee you pay includes 2 re-inspections for free if your vehicle requires them.  They must occur within the 20 day period after you initially fail the test.

How long is the wait to get my vehicle emissions tested?

The wait time varies on a day to day basis.  Vehicles are tested on a first come first serve basis.  If you scheduled your appointment online you will get to move past the inspection station gates and go directly into the que for the inspection station lane.




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